The Active Angels Network

The Active Angels Network is an Angel Investing group based in Pittsburgh, PA, and is affiliated with Activex-it Funds (AXI).
As a business development and networking group, Active Angels Network allows members to learn about angel investing through special events, educational sessions, a speaker series, and angel investing seminars. Active Angels Network allows both accredited and non-accredited investors to be members. 

Traditional angel group members are older, white males with the same background and the same beliefs. Our goal is to include women, minorities, and young adults, which allows for a diversity of thought and opinion. By connecting and educating people, Active Angels Network and its members will make better decisions, which will lead to more intelligent and better angel investment.


Connections are the Key to Business Success


WIthout knowledge, ignorance rules the day


Our Angel Investing strategy is different

Accredited Members

Insights that will empower you

Regular Members

Active mentorship that helps drive success

Entrepreneurs Portal

Learn more about our process